Constitution, Kremlin

19-June-2020 Friday
The Kremlin said that voting from the point of view of the pandemic is no more dangerous than going to the store

08-June-2020 Monday
"Technical overlays". Peskov about the absence on the website of amendments to the Constitution of the mention of "resetting the deadlines"

29-May-2020 Friday
The phrase about two presidential terms will not be removed from the Kremlin's children's website

20-May-2020 Wednesday
RBC: voting on amendments to the Constitution and the Victory Parade can be held on the same day - June 24

11-March-2020 Wednesday
Online stream - MUSCOVITES GO OUT against the usurpation of power by Putin

10-March-2020 Tuesday
PROTEST against the usurpation of power by Vladimir Putin | Moscow Online stream

13-February-2020 Thursday
Putin spoke about the work on amendments to the Constitution
